The Importance Of Prayer + (“Incense Rising” Giveaway)


(Psalm 141:2 NLV- May my prayer be like special perfume before You. May the lifting up of my hands be like the evening gift given on the altar in worship.)

Today’s focal verse holds such a special place in my heart. On January 10th of this year, I had a dream in which I saw the words of this verse come to life.

In this particular dream, I saw myself lie down and start to pray, yet there was this immediate cognizance that I was in Papa God’s Presence. The words of my prayers were leaving my lips and ascending before Him in what appeared to be hundreds of little folded journal pages.

I didn’t have revelation of what the dream actually meant until I woke up the next morning, sat before The Lord in worship, and began to write it down in my prayer journal. It was in that moment, that Holy Spirit revealed to me that God was giving me heaven’s view and His perspective of what it looks like when I pray. He was allowing me to see how sacred and dear my prayers were and still are to His heart.

I share this with you guys because if you’ve been a follower of “A.S.-K.S.” for any amount of time then you know that I’m avid prayer journaler. I keep record of my personal prayers, how Abba answers those prayers, and also how He speaks to me whether it be through His Word, dreams, visions, or simply just the sweetness of the inner voice of Holy Spirit whispering  truth to and within my heart and spirit.

You see, because God knows how much I treasure writing out my thoughts and prayers to Him, He designed the structure of my dream in a way that was special and personal to me and the intimate way that He and I converse in the secret place with one another.

How many of you know that what The Lord did for me, He’ll do the same for you? He will reveal things to us in a way that is sacred to our personal relationship with Him just to let us know that He’s listening, but we first have to be willing to speak.

I think sometimes in our humanness we may feel or think that our prayers aren’t heard or that they’ve simply gone unnoticed. But, I sit here writing you this morning as a living testimony that Papa not only hears, but sees our prayers as well. When we take the time to intimately commune with Him our words truly capture and ravish His heart. 

However, I believe the true treasure is found in His response to us. His answers to our prayers are always immersed within this profound love that is so pure, perfect, and true. His Words don’t just capture our hearts, but They cling to the soul and spirit radiantly providing light, love, hope, beauty, promise, life, and truth.

It doesn’t matter how we choose to converse with God, the only thing that matters is that we do. Our words are sacred to Him whether they’re spoken or written. He just simply loves when we make the choice to be with Him.

Just in casual conversation with other believers, I’ve found that praying doesn’t come natural to everyone.  And not that there’s this secret magic formula that you have to remember when it comes to prayer. I think the majority of my most precious moments in God’s Presence have been the times that I’ve just sat with Him, spoken very little, but listened very intently.

At the same time, I do believe that there are a few essential tools that help usher us into The Lord’s Presence and help us to connect with His heart a little more intimately.

One of those things being a good devotional. I say that because a lot of devotionals will not only aid you in becoming familiar with Scripture, but can also help you to commit and focus on setting time aside daily to be alone with God. A lot of them also end with a prayer that you can read through and speak over your life which I think can be helpful in developing a habit of praying everyday.

If I had to recommend a great devotional for you to read it would be “Incense Rising: 60 Days To Powerful Prayer” which was actually written by my lovely friend, Carolyn Dale Newell.


Within the pages of “Incense Rising”, each day, you’ll find a different topic to focus on that will help inspire you to seek The Lord on a deeper level, a focal verse or passage of Scripture to read, an encouraging word from Carolyn, a verse to commit to memory, a recommended passage of Scripture that you’ll have to open your Bible to read, a different name of God that will help you to call out to Him more intimately, practical words from Carolyn to aid you in truly walking in your new found intimacy with The Lord, and then an ending prayer that all you have to do is read and receive.

I know that this book will be an incredible blessing to you all, but I have honor of giving away only one signed copy. To enter, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post. I will be praying over each person who does and I’ll give it away to the person that I hear Holy Spirit saying could benefit from it the most. The winner will then be notified via email and social media. If you would like to purchase a copy of “Incense Rising”, you’ll find the links to do so located below in the Sunday Soul Kiss book of the week.

In closing, this is my prayer for you: I pray that as you seek The Lord, He would fill and surround you with the precious gift that is His Presence. I pray that you would truly come to know Him intimately and that His pure and perfect love would overtake you drawing you deeper unto Him. I pray that your greatest joys would be found in the moments that you’ve simply said yes to being with Him. I speak life and love over you and I bless you in Jesus’ name— Amen and so be it!

If you would like for me to pray for or with you, please click here.

Happy Soul Kissed Sunday! I love you guys!

Believe, Be Beautiful, Be Brilliant, and Be Blessed!🙂

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Sunday Soul Kiss Book Of The Week

Incense Rising 1

Click on the following links to purchase: Amazon (paperback) / Kindle / Barnes & Noble (paperback) / Nook / Books-A-Million (paperback) / iBooks / E-book at Smashwords for all other formats!

Sunday Soul Kiss podcast coming soon!

58 thoughts on “The Importance Of Prayer + (“Incense Rising” Giveaway)

  1. I’ve been praying to know THE LORD on a deeper level and this devotional sounds like just the book I need to help. Sometimes as I kneel in prayer I don’t know where to start and maybe reading this will aid in which direction to speak. Thank you for your ending prayer, it is beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s truly a wonderful devotional, so I know that you’ll be blessed by it! And you are most welcome, Love! I will be praying for you! Thank you so much for stopping by this morning! GOD bless you, beautiful friend! 🙂


  2. Great to read you again my sweet sister! Your post keep at a perfect timing for me. I almost always have to remember myself that prayer is spontenious communication with God but also a discipline and I have not been doing good on the discipline side. Your post gave me a much needed “kick in the butt” 🙂 Thank you Tai, my beloved sister!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. My friend this is my second time trying to leave a comment…technology :/ This post is a word of confirmation me for. Today on my blog I’m talking about prayer. Sometimes as a parent I feel inadequate in “doing” for my children but God assured me that prayer is the absolute BEST thing I can do as a parent. You’ve reassured me that He not only hears but that he receives my prayers as a sweet aroma. And as a mother of 6, I not only want but NEED to continually draw closer to the Father. I’ve never heard of the book, but it sounds like the perfect tool to add to my prayer arsenal. A always, its good to receive fresh wind from you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh Tyra, just remember that HIS grace is sufficient, my sweet Sister! I will be praying for you and your family! Thanks so much for visiting with me, Love! GOD bless you, beautiful friend! 🙂


  4. Tai ! You’re back. 🙂 So good to see you, friend. Not sure when you returned, I’ve been taking a bit of a break trying to give my Best Yes to my family and also getting some other big writing projects finished, so I was out of the loop for the summer. Was so happy to see your face on Lisha’s linkup. 🙂 And — what a sweet testimony. Love this post. Thank you for sharing. ((hug))

    Liked by 1 person

    • Awww! You are more than welcome, Brenda! And thank you, Love! You’re such a treasure. I can definitely understand your reason for taking a break being that I’ve been on one myself. But I’m happy to be back and glad to see your sweet face! Thank you so much for visiting with me! GOD bless you and your family, my beautiful friend! 🙂


    • Oh Cheryl, it truly is! I’m so happy to have you stop by, Dear Heart! I pray that all is well with you and your family. I have thought of you often. GOD bless you, beautiful friend! 🙂


  5. Beautiful! I love praying but the idea of journaling prayer daily adds a depth that only God can give us. I love your heart for prayer Tai and how God has spoken to you as you pray. Thank you for sharing your own journey and for giving away a book that is sure to bless someone deeply.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I would like to win for my daughter…she is away at college. She was abused for several years when she was 5-9 by her father and my ex…he was a master deceiver and manipulator of her. When it did come out, he was immedicately out of our lives forever, but she still had to try to learn to cope with this. She amazed me even as a child healing…never forgetting that God was there for her. As she has grown into an intelligent teen, she consistently does daily Bible devotionals. Her dedication inspires me. She still has that faith that He is watching over her. I think this book would help her stay focused in college on His word because I know that college is stressing her out so much. I think taking her prayer level up a notch would be exactly what my Godly college student needs to turn her stress over to our Almighty God.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri, please know that you and your precious daughter are in my prayers! I’m so very sorry that happened to her, but it is so wonderful to know that she is still walking in faith. Wow! GOD is so good! May HE abundantly bless you both, my beautiful friend!

      Oh, how can I get in touch with you if you were to win, Love?


    • You are most welcome, Lisa! And yes, you are very right because there is absolutely nothing that compares to HIS PRESENCE, sweet friend. Thank you so much for visiting with me! GOD bless you, Beautiful! 🙂


  7. Welcome back Tai! What a beautiful verse from Psalm 142. I agree with you wholeheartedly regards the importance of prayer. In fact I am writing a book on that topic right know;). There is power in communing with God with purpose. Always blessed to read your thoughts and love your prayer today. I hope you have a fantastic week and may God continue to richly bless you in all your endeavors

    Liked by 1 person

    • Awww! Thank you, Horace! I know that your book will bless countless hearts. I can’t wait to read it! Like you, prayer is very precious to me. I just love HIS PRESENCE! So glad that you stopped by to visit with me! GOD bless you, my friend! 🙂


    • You are most welcome, Liz! And normally, I would not give such high praise to devotional. However, in this case, not only is it a helpful prayer tool, but also a great inspiration. You see my friend, Carolyn, the Author of the book is the blind. Yet, she lives for GOD; knows HIM intimately. The words of her book are not just mere words. She lives the journey that she’s sharing with us. She’s a wonderful woman of GOD and a real treasure! 🙂 Anyways, thank you so much for stopping by, Beautiful! I pray that your heart has been encouraged here. GOD bless you, Love! :-).

      Liked by 1 person

  8. This sounds like a great book, Tai!
    I love the idea of calling out to God more effectively, personally, and powerfully!
    I found your post today on Grace and Truth.
    Hope you have a blessed week~

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Hello Tai!
    This is my first time visiting your blog, and what a blessing it has been! I love the passage in Psalm 141:2, and I imagine my prayers going straight to the our Father as a sweet aroma to heaven. He loves it when his people pray! Thanks for the encouraging post, and I delight in meeting another sister in the Lord! He has truly given you an incredible gift to minister to others!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi, Christin! You are most welcome, Love! It’s so awesome to meet you and I’m so glad that you stopped by. I really appreciate your sweet words of affirmation. Thank you so much! I hope you’ll visit again soon. GOD bless you, beautiful new friend! 🙂


  10. I love this Tai. Sadly, I also find people who haven’t yet learned how deep and sweet Jesus is willing to go with you. I love my special time with Him. Sometimes when I am stressed the best time is in the middle of the night when I am unable to wander off. Thank you so much for always sharing your dear heart for the Lord.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Deb, you are most welcome, Love! And also, you are much like I am. My most precious time with HIM is always late night/early morning when everything is quiet and I can just bask in HIS PRESENCE. Thank you so much for stopping by! I’m always delighted to see your sweet face. GOD bless you, beautiful friend! *HUGS* 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Hi Tai — I really NEEDED to read THIS post TODAY! Thank you!! And then I saw that you wrote it in September! God is always on time. Hope all is well with you, I see you havent posted in a while. Things good here. I became a first time grandma!!!! Jan. 30. Caleb arrived 8 weeks early but he and mom all good now. My son is taking great care of his little family 🙂 Blessings and hugs and love to you…And I noticed you have an ad for Christian Cafe…that’s where me and Michael met nearly six years ago 🙂 For quite a while they had our testimony posted on their site, not sure if still up though. xxoo

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi, Sheila!!!

      Congrats on the birth of your sweet grandson, Caleb! I know that you are super excited! I’m happy to hear that both the Mom and baby are doing well. Glory to GOD! 🙂

      I’m so glad that you stopped by today and so happy that you were blessed by your visit! That blesses me. 🙂

      I saw the picture of you and Michael on Christian Cafe and I’ve actually been meaning to contact you to get your thoughts and feelings about it. Being single, I’ve always been kind of skeptical of online dating, but seeing the picture of you guys definitely changed my perspective quite a bit.

      And yeah, I haven’t gotten the chance to write as much as I used to, but I’m hoping to write and post this weekend and get back in the swing of things from there.

      Anyway, so great to hear from you! Let me know if there’s anyway that I can pray for you. Love, hugs, and infinite blessings to you, my beautiful friend! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Hello Tai, i really missed your blog indeed! I just had a minute of prayer to start my day this morning and this blog post you have right now reminds me so much of that wonderful thing i felt when i was praying!

    I missed this blog of yours and im glad that when i came back, it’s still here, see you around!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi, Steven!

      So glad that you dropped by! It does my heart good to know that you were blessed here!

      And I pray that ABBA will lavish HIS love and affection upon you each and every time you enter HIS PRESENCE!

      GOD bless you, my friend! 🙂


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